Norman-French: why do you think
I have this outrrrrageous
accent?! (Owns up) Oh, all
right...English with Estonian
ancestory. father was
a newt. But he got better...

Favourite past-time:

Arson in general

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Engage in combat

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Alan A Dale

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

Because I'd like the chance to
make him sing a few octaves
higher than what is reasonably
considered normal. NB: I also have
a Cunning Plan to capture
Robert of Huntingdon, whereby we
impose a blockade on Sherwood
to stop vital supplies of
peroxide reaching him. He'll
have to come out to visit a
chemist/drugstore sooner or
later...The man is draining
this country's natural resources
of peroxide... (See, I'm
ecologically-minded as well, the
original Green Knight)

Favourite knight:

Sir Once

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

Because once a King, always
a King, but Once
a Knight is enough...

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

Are you kidding? In me you
have a multi-tasking pyro-maniac
with strange amphibian qualities
- very useful next time you
want to wrestle a wolfshead in a
muddy waterhole and your chainmail
starts shrinking. Plus the
fact that if ever we were to
be confronted by a horde of
Estonian knights, I could act as
interpreter for you and so
determine whether they were REALLY
threatening to kill us or
merely asking us the way to the
beach. Me, expendable?? No, you
need to hang on to ME, matey!

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

I was at school with him and
Prince Valiant. AND:
#I'm a Knight of the Round Table,
I kill wolfsheads whenever I'm able!
I burn the town, I prance around,
And impersonate Clark Gable!#
NB: Just one more thing...
if this doesn't get me the
job of Captain of the Guards...can
I stalk the stalker that's
stalking Sir Guy's secretary??
[Editor’s note: As the secretary
who’s being stalked, this
is more than fine with me! *g*

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:


If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Engage in combat

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:


Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

He really knows how to work
his swords. And I want to know
how he would react to being
arrested by a lady.

Favourite knight:

Luke Skywalker

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

I've got a thing for light swords.

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

No answer given.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

I think he would be
great in and out of bed.

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:


If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Stand really still and pretend
I’m a tree

Best trait:

Men with blue capes frighten
me into submission

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Robin Hood

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

Cos he's a man living with
other men in a wood and
they all wear tights.

Favourite knight:

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

He wrote books about a dope head.
[Editor’s note: GRRRRRR...You
couldn’t have picked on Poirot
or Miss Marple. Oh, no, you had
to take a stab at the
greatest detective that ever
lived! As an amateur Sherlockian,
I believe Holmes was a *little*
more than just a dope head.
I mean, yes, he was a dope head,
but-but...Dammit! It’s the
principle of the thing!]

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

No one likes me. [Editor’s
note: Well, given your
views on Sherlock Holmes,
can you blame them?!! *g*]

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

He’s bigger than me.

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:

Arson in general

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Run away

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

the Sheriff's nephew

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

That traitorous little brat!
How dare he? Giving away your
man's secret hide-out and
siding with Robin Hood.
He should be punished...

Favourite knight:


Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

This star is a bright, shining
beacon for everyone who gets
lost in Sherwood Forest.
Sir Guy, next time you get lost,
try looking at the sky.

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

I am not expendable, merely
expensive. I happen to study
alchemy and will thereby be
a useful addition to your guards.
A well-placed boobytrap
and all your troubles will be
over, Sir Guy! My objective will
be to make the outlaws'
lives a lot more interesting
(and shorter).

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

My sympathy lies with
misunderstood, blue-cloaked,
swordwielding fanatics.

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:

Setting villages on fire

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Shield my lord from arrows

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Will Scarlet

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

I should kill for this

Favourite knight:


Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

He's just as evil as I am...

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

No comment.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

I adore the way
he kills people!

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:


If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Engage in combat

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Will Scarlet

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

I am regularly mistaken for
him which seems to make me
repellant to Norman ladies!

Favourite knight:

Luke Skywalker

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

I envy his boyish good looks.
I bet he has more
success than a Scarlet
look-alike with one ear.

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

I can't hear any outlaws
approaching on my
right side!

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

I believe that he would
understand my predicament
with the ladies...Not
that I'm suggesting he looks
like Scarlet, but I
think we could both work
on our chat up lines!

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:

Arson in general

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Shield my lord from arrows

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Robin Hood

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

No reason given

Favourite knight:

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

Old, hard, can fly!

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

I eat too much.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

He is so weak he makes
me look hard!

Return to Guard Duties




14 - 23


In my dreams British

Favourite past-time:


If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Shield my lord from arrows

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Robin Hood

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

Because he continually insults
my lord of Gisburne who
I admire above all other
knights and serfs.

Favourite knight:


Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

Because he resembles a knight
that I am very fond of.

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

I didn't think I was, and
I'm not because I
keep saving my lord's life
so I think he needs me.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

He has nice hair...
He loves animals (well, horses).
He has a reason for
the way he is. NICE armour
and love the blue cape

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:

Arson in general

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Stand really still and
pretend I’m a tree

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Little John

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

He's just a big softy
isn't he?

Favourite knight:

Lawrence of Arabia

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

El Lawrence rocks!

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

I’m Canadian?

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

He's the only person on
earth more inept than my father

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:

Trampling on cabbages

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Engage in combat

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Will Scarlet

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

If my lord of Gisburne hired
more mercinaries, Will Scarlet
wouldn't bother fighting us
until all the mercinaries were dead.

Favourite knight:

Luke Skywalker

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

He'd be a good ally,
and I just like him.

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

Because I might lose my head
completely and help the outlaws.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

Because of his good looks!
(and of course his
attempts to catch Robin Hood).

Return to Guard Duties






None given

Favourite past-time:


If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Stand really still and
pretend I'm a tree

Best trait:

Men with blue capes
frighten me into submission

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:


Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

She would be my preferred
drinking companion.

Favourite knight:

Sir Laurence Olivier

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

He doesn't drink which would
leave more Guiness for me.

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

I'm ready to reincarnate.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

Some day he will triumph
over that dreadful
little man d'Rainault.

Return to Guard Duties




What do you care?


British - and Saxons make me throw up!

Favourite past-time:

Arson in general

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Run away

Best trait:

Men with blue capes
frighten me into submission

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:


Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

She's a wolf I met, but she's
not a wolfshead and stop insulting
wolves! I want to arrest her
because she...uh...because
I'm messed up! By the way
she's not a cutthroat either!

Favourite knight:

Guy of Warwick

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

Because he has the same
first name - the obvious choice!

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

Dictionary please! (to be
truthful I'm expendable because
I throw up when I see a Saxon.)

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

He needs a bit of extra help
catching outlaws.

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:

Kicking peasants

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Stand very still and
pretend I'm a tree

Best trait:

I have absolutely no
free will of my own

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Robin Hood

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

He's a good looking wolfshead:
Well, Michael is, Jason isn't!!!

Favourite knight:

Sir Guy of Gisburne

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

He's not too bad looking neither.

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

Because I just said
Sir Guy was good looking.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

I haven't got anything better
to do besides school.

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:

Setting villages on fire

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Shield my lord from arrows

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Little John

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

He thinks he is sooooooooooooooooo
ooooooooooooooooo big.

Favourite knight:

Sir Paul McCartney

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

2 words: The Beatles!

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

Nobody wants me around.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

I ate jello yesterday.

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:

Setting villages on fire

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Shield my lord from arrows

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Robin Hood

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

Him and his "Merry" Men, alone
in the middle of the forest
prancing around in tights!!??

Favourite knight:

Sir Lancelot

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

He always obeys the code, like me!!!

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

Because dying isn't so bad, I guess.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

His Lord of Gisburne
is so honourable and
grand, of course!!!

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:

Setting villages on fire

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Stand really still and
pretend I'm a tree.

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

The Sheriff

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

Dunno...hmmmm...maybe because
I hate him...? I would also like
to catch Robin Hood because he
looks like a cocky first-class-boy...
Such things piss me off...

Favourite knight:

Sir Guy of Gisburne
and in-the-future-Sir-Me

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

He's handsome, he rides very
good, he has a wonderful horse
(Fury) and I can get closer
to the Sheriff. And of
course, I'm the best!!!

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:


I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

He's handsome...He is...
kinda stupid and needs some
help...and I can get closer
to the Sheriff >:)...
*cough* *cough* Grargravarrrrr
ha ha haaa...ha...hahrrmmm...
Maybe I should concentrate on
this worksheet *looking at the
others and trying to not look too guilty*

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:


If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Stand really still and
pretend I'm a tree.

Best trait:

I'll follow orders blindly

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:


Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

She's a doxy
(prostitute/whore/ho/slag/lady of the night)
and a theiving tramp!
[Editor's Note: The opinions expressed
by the following guard aren't
necessarily shared by Sir Guy
(Well, actually, they might be)
or his secretary... *g*]

Favourite knight:

Luke Skywalker

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

He is a sexy beast, and I
would like to discover
his ahem 'dark side'.

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

I have many 'talents' and can
'work' 'flexible' hours.
[Editor's Note: Yep, that makes
her expendable, all right. She's
over-qualified for this
position! *g* Sorry. Once I start
with these editor's notes,
I just can't stop!]

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

He has a sexy voice (the
film version - Michael
Wincott) grrrrrrrrrr.

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:


If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Stand really still and
pretend I'm a tree.

Best trait:

Men with blue capes
frighten me into submission

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Robin Hood

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

Er, he's cute?

Favourite knight:

Nick Knight

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

Vampires rule
(Canadian one at that!:))

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

Er, er, cause my mum
lets me stay out late?

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

He's a fox!!!!!!!!

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:


If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Shield my lord from arrows

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Little John

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

Because he's so biggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Favourite knight:

Sir Lancelot

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

He is loyal.

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

Because there are thousands of other men.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

He is cool.

Return to Guard Duties






From the overseas
neighbour-country: The Netherlands

Favourite past-time:

Trampling on cabbages

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Shield my lord from arrows

Best trait:

I'll follow orders blindly

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Alan A Dale

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

Because he stole some of my
best songs. Besides, did you
ever hear him sing?

Favourite knight:

Lady Marion

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

She served a wonderful lord back
in my homeland. Good in
everything a women is made
for: cooking, singing and everything
else. Besides that, she was
also wonderful with a sword,
ready to protect her lord
whenever that was necessary.
Unfortunately she died after
someone poisened her flute.
I wonder if it had something
to do with that name of hers?

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

After that nasty affair with
one of the guards, I can't
show my face outside the
castle anymore. What's that you
say? You thought she was
hanged...Uh, she was, she was...
Uh, anything else you need
to know, my lord?

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

I'm not going to waste my talent
on anyone less important than him.
I'm sure he will appreciate
my talents. He does like
good food and music, doesn't he?

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:

Arson in general

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Engage in combat

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Robin Hood

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

Cuz he's SEXY, I'm a girl and
I want him ALL TO MYSELF!

Favourite knight:

Sir Lancelot

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

Erm I dunno. I'm a fan of
King Arthur and Sir Lancelot

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

Me expendable?

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

I want his boxer shorts...

Return to Guard Duties






A pencil box

Favourite past-time:

Setting villages on fire

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Surrender immediately

Best trait:

Men with blue capes
frighten me into submission

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:


Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

I like his name. [Editor's
note: And so you wish
to steal it...? *g*]

Favourite knight:

Well he's not really
a knight but Aragorn
King of Gondor

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

Because, because, because!

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

I'm not! (except that I've
betrayed all 20 of my
late masters)

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

He's just another one
of my - ahem - victims.

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:

Arson in general

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Engage in combat

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Edward of Wickham

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

I simply hate goofy-looking peasants
who think, just because
they're friends with some outlaw,
they have the right to do as
they please. And I can't
stand his face any longer.

Favourite knight:

Sir Mordred

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

Such a cute Guy...

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

Well, who would think that one
of the world's most famous poison
blenders is expendable? I spent
years learning the art AND how
to survive it, so just
consider who is going to prepare
your next meals. Of course, a
sensible payment can prevent some
unwanted and/or force the pace
of some wanted deaths. Imagine
life without a faithful secretary
or without a Robert de
Rainault or no life at all...

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

I always enjoy contemplating
cute Guys, especially if they
bring good money. [Editor's Note:
LOL! Good money? Here?! I
think you must have the wrong
Nottingham Castle, babe. *g*]

Return to Guard Duties






If I tell you I will have to kill you.

Favourite past-time:

Kicking peasants

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Stand really still and
pretend I'm a tree

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:


Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

I HATE his %^$# SINGING!
IF you can call it singing.

Favourite knight:

Sir Alanna of Trebond

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

Cuz she is the BEST.
Tamora Pierce ROCKS!! YAHHH!!!

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

I'm not. Simple as that.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

I respect none, Dork-face.

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:

Setting villages on fire

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Shield my lord from arrows

Best trait:

I'll follow orders blindly

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Will Scarlet

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

He deserves a damn good beating,
the arrogant pig!

Favourite knight:

Sir Thomas Malory

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

He not only wrote a great book
(Le Morte D'Arthur), but is also said
to have had a most fruitful life
of robbery and pillage, eventually
being jailed for his efforts.

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

I am inhuman, peasant scum.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

I admire his moral standpoint.

Return to Guard Duties




Under 30


English with a smattering of Frenchness

Favourite past-time:

Arson in general

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Engage in combat

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:


Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

I'd love to see if he can manage
two swords with only one arm.
Or perhaps no arms, heh heh heh,
or perhaps no head, *grin*,
or perhaps...okay let's
stop there, you get my drift.

Favourite knight:

Richard III

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

OK, so he's royalty not a
knight, but he was one of
the greatest nasty knights
of all time. I don't care
what the Ricardians say, he
was a complete tyrant! If
I am taken on as a horse guard,
then I will have trained hard
enough by the late 15th century
to be able to fight alongside
Richard at Bosworth. Oh that
creepy Tudor git doesn't
know what's coming to him....

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

I'm not, to be brief.
I may pretend to be expendable,
but then I surprise
everyone by coming back with
a tastefully macho scar and a
slight wound which will
lead to me being pampered by
young maidens in the castle for
a few weeks, heh heh. All
I need now is my very own
blue cape. What's more, I both
own and can really fight
with a sword. Useful, mmmm?

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

I like his horse. And he's one
of the few people to be
able to carry off genuine
knitted chain mail and make
it look good. Apart from that,
I'm completely out for myself.

Return to Guard Duties






Army Brat

Favourite past-time:

Trampling on cabbages

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Run away

Best trait:

Men with blue capes
frighten me into submission

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:


Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

I will make him talk, darnnit!

Favourite knight:

Sir Paul McCartney

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

He's a Beatle! What
other reason do you need?

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

Uh...I don't like beating
people up unless they actaully,
you know, deserve it.
[Editor's Note: And you applied
to become a guard...? *g*]

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

He's scary when he's angry.
And I get to live in
the castle, which is certainly
better then working in like...
the kitchens. Or being a peasant.
And, hey, can I be the guy
who beats up that git in
the dungeon? I mean insulting
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle like
that! :( Not cool dude!

Return to Guard Duties






Like you REALLY care

Favourite past-time:

Trampling on cabbages

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Engage in combat

Best trait:

Men with blue capes
frighten me into submission

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:


Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

I'm from Texas. We kill
"simple" lads. He's an obvious
threat for that. I mean, come on.

Favourite knight:

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

The three names makes him sound
like a serial killer. [Editor's note:
You obviously didn't hear
about what happened to the
guard who insulted Sherlock
Holmes. GRRRRRRRR...]

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

I only own one blue cape.
And it's dirty. [Editor's Note:
You insult Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle and dare
apply for a guard position with
a dirty cape?! To quote
the short-lived Owen of Clun:
"You're too stupid to live!" *g*]

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

I'm from Gisburne too. There's
good people there. Really.
Ok, a few. All right, fine,
just me and him. And
he's better than I am.

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:

Arson in general

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Shield my lord from arrows

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Robin Hood

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

He thinks he is so great and
powerful, when really he lives out
in the middle of nowhere with a
bunch of supposedly merry men
prancing around in tights.

Favourite knight:

Sir Paul McCartney

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

I love the Beatles and their music.

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

It won't really make a difference if I die.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

He is awesome and I would
love to fight alongside him!

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Favourite past-time:

Arson in general

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Engage in combat

Best trait:

I have absolutely
no free will of my own

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:


Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

His fire poking antics and
tight fitting trousers have
gone too far. His heinous
crimes deserve punishment.

Favourite knight:

Sir Lancelot

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

His debauchery and slaughtering
of wedding guests is a
respectable, honest way
to earn a living. (Watch Monty
Python and the Holy Grail

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

I'm none other than a
nameless clone who will die in
every fight, instigated by
Robin Hood and his men.
I'm also very fond of wearing
blue tabbards. Whether
these two are related
I shall never know.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

His flair for biting wit and
reparte is only matched
by mildly angry stoats.

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Favourite past-time:

Trampling on cabbages

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Stand really still and
pretend I'm a tree

Best trait:

Men with blue capes
frighten me into submission

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Little John

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

Too woolly, like a highland
cow. Too tall.

Favourite knight:

Sir Edmund Hillary

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

Mountaineers and geologists
go together like the
winter and foul weather!

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

Too short at 4'9"

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

It's better than starving
and having your cabbages
trampled in Wickham!

Return to Guard Duties




Who cares


None ya business

Favourite past-time:

Trampling on cabbages

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Stand really still and
pretend I'm a tree

Best trait:

Men with blue capes
frighten me into submission

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:


Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

He cuts deer throats and cooks
them well! I've always had a
taste for the king's deer!
(Did I say that aloud?)

Favourite knight:

Sir Percival

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

'Cause he's a famous brat!

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

'Cause I want to arrest myself.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

He has no good looks.

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Favourite past-time:

Arson in general

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Shield my lord from arrows

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Lady Wolfshead

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

I felt like it so there!!!!!!

Favourite knight:

Lawrence of Arabia

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

I felt like it so there!!!!!!
[Editor's Note: Just remember
that an intelligence
test is not part of Guard
Application package. *g*]

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

'Cause I'm a dim delinquent.
(Oh! Robin Hood! What now?)

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

'Cause he can't serve himself.

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Favourite past-time:

Kicking peasants

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Shield my lord from arrows

Best trait:

I know how to wield a sword

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Will Scarlet

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

He makes my blood burn with rage!

Favourite knight:

Luke Skywalker

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

If I had that light saber, I
could slice Will Scarlet through!

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

I'm smart like that.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

I repeat my former comment.

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:

Setting villages on fire

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Engage in combat

Best trait:

I'll follow orders blindly

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Lady Wolfshead

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

She disgraces the name of lady!

Favourite knight:

Luke Skywalker

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

There's just something about
that swingy golden hair.

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

I've no family to leave behind.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

Uuuuhhhh.....HE'S SO SEXY!!

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Favourite past-time:

Arson in general

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Run away

Best trait:

Men with blue capes
frighten me into submission

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:


Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

He's so stupid!!!!

Favourite knight:

Sir Tristan

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

He's so noble!!!!!!

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

I'm Welsh scum.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

He has a deep, commanding voice.

Return to Guard Duties







Favourite past-time:

Kicking peasants

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Stand very still and
pretend I'm a tree

Best trait:

Men with blue capes
frighten me into submission

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Will Scarlet

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

He's so damn cocky he drives me
crazy!! He needs a lesson, man...

Favourite knight:

Sir Lancelot

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

I like his name. And I've heard
he's a good fighter. And lover...

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

What do you mean? Well then...
If you mean I can get killed, I
can't. I don't like being
killed, and if I don't like
it, I won't get killed.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

He's so damn hot!!! And I
love the way he shouts...

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Is this another question
about age...? 4?

Favourite past-time:

Setting villages on fire

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Stand very still and
pretend I'm a tree

Best trait:

I have absolutely no free
will of my own

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Robin Hood

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

Cause it says so on the
card ye gave me m'lord...

Favourite knight:

Sir Peter Ustinov

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

Cause me mum always said,
"Oh my, wha' a wonderful chap
he is. He could shag me
anytime he could..." Which
would be followed by me mum
passin' out an' all ye see...

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

Cause I look good in honey mustard.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

If'n I don't, he'll run me
through he would...

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Schweeeedisch, ja!

Favourite past-time:


If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Stand really still and
pretend I’m a tree

Best trait:

I have absolutely no
free will of my own

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:


Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

He needs some attention too!

Favourite knight:

Sir Derek Jacobi

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

If I had a will of my own
I would say that I just
really like him...

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

I can die gracefully.

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

He's so darn cute!

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Favourite past-time:


If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Engage in combat

Best trait:

Men with blue capes
frighten me into submission

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Lady Wolfshead

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

My favorite past-time
is SEX! SEX! SEX!!!

Favourite knight:

Sir Sean Connery

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

He is the father of
one of the Robins and
he is still sexy, even
though he's an old man.

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

I talk too much and fall
asleep on guard duty. If
I'm awake I'm having SEX!!!

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

He gives me those special looks.

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Favourite past-time:

Arson in general

If confronted by
wolfsheads, I would:

Engage in combat

Best trait:

Men with blue capes frighten
me into submission

The wolfshead I'd
like to arrest most:

Lady Wolfshead

Reason(s) why I
picked this cutthroat:

She is such a bitch! And
she hurt Gisburne.

Favourite knight:

Sir Paul McCartney

Reason(s) why I chose this knight:

He freed Rock and Roll, Dude!

Reason(s) why I'm expendable:

Hire me and find out...If
not suffer the agony of death.
[Editor's Note: for me!]

I respect Sir Guy and
would willingly serve
him because:

He is the real hero. He
should rule all of England!

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